Sajiwan or Sojiwan Temple is a Buddhist temple, located in Dukuh Kalongan, Kebondalem Kidul Subdistrict, Prambanan District, Klaten Regency. The temple contains about 20 relief on his foot, relating to The Story Jataka Pancatantra from India. From 20 reliefs, there are 19 reliefs now. The temple is located about 2 km south of Prambanan Temple. From the Tourism Gate of Prambanan Temple, acrossing Solo - Yogyakarta Highway, then get to small street to the south, acrossing the railway line, and then at the first intersection, turn left (to the east). About 200 m from the intersection, there is a small temple, could be seen at the south side of the street. The reconstruction of Sajiwan Temple was begun in 2006, led by Mr. Waliman from Balai Pelestarian Peninggalan Purbakala (BP3) of Central Java and Special Teritory of Yogyakarta Restoration process of the temple is about 65% finished. The temple height is about 27,5 metres, but the restor...