Selogriyo Temple is an ancient Hindu temple in Windusari Hill, Magelang Regency, Central Java. The temple was bulit in the 9th century AD, during the time of the ancient Mataram Kingdom. Selogriyo Temple is located on the eastern slopes of the three hills : Giyanti, Condong, and Malang (elevation 740 above sea level). From the site of the temple we could see the panorama of rice fields, mountains and hills. The temple is situated in a quiet and far from traditional villages. 
Administratively, it is located in Dusun Campurejo, Desa Kembang Kuning, Windusari Subdistrict, Magelang Regency. The closest route to the temple is Magelang-Bandongan route. When we arrive at Pasar Bandongan (Bandongan Traditional Market), turn to the right, and drive towards the Windusari Subdistrict. At the t-junction there is a direction plate to the temple. Visitors should pass through two miles and drive passing by tobacco-producing villages, climb a hill and then could reach the temple location, Dusun Campurejo, Desa Kembang Kuning, Windusari Subdistrict.From the temple, it is clearly to see Mount Sumbing, looming to the west, sometimes covered by mist. At the east, there are rice fields, backed by Mount Merapi, Merbabu, and Telomoyo, also Mount Andong.
According to the name Selogriyo, the name means a stone house. Selo = Stone and Griyo = House. Medang Architecture of the temple is very factinated. Facing towards the east, the 15 meter height temple is situated at 36 square meters and it has several ancient statues. Statue of Ganesha, Durga, Nandiswara, Shiva Maha Kala, and Shiva Maha Guru (Agastya) are positioned at each side of the temple wall. Totally, there are four sides of the wall.
Position of the statues of the temple :
Ganesha at the west, Durga at the north, Shiva Maha Guru (Agastya) at the south, Nandiswara and Shiva Maha Kala at the east. A special architecture of the temple is the structure of Keben fruit of the top roof. It is called Amalaka. The temple was ever destroyed partially in December 1998, because of land-sliding. The recontruction was then carried out and completed in 2005.


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